Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Organic Farming Fertilizer

Healthy Agricultural Croplands Need Organic Fertilizer

Cold Spring Pellets 4-3-2 plus 7% Ca  OMRI approved

Our premium agricultural product, “Cold Spring Pellets” 4-3-2 plus 7% Ca, is our original organic fertilizer.  Our company produces and labels most of our fertilizer product for agricultural cropland purposes. This product is ideal for larger land parcels and is sold in pellet form rather than a granule or crumble. Pellets are broadcast across wide areas in a uniform pattern making agricultural applications precise. Another advantage is that pellets skip several costly manufacturing processes and the cost savings offers real value to large end users.

The usual application rate is one ton per acre. Up to two tons may be applied to high value crops.  As always, a professional soil analysis should guide your specific rate of application. This product is customarily sold in bulk truckloads or one-ton super sacks.

Organic Fertilizer For High Yielding Crops

High yielding cropland needs healthy soil. Healthy soil begins with billions of microbes and some naturally occurring nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK). Healthy fruits and vegetables then remove some of these primary nutrients, as well as some secondary and trace nutrients. Some crops such as corn and cabbages demand and withdraw more nutrients than others. These nutrients should be replaced with either natural or synthetic sources.  Overall, the natural sources have proven to be more user-friendly, less costly, and do not reduce microbial populations in the soil as synthetic (chemical) fertilizers do. Long term USDA-ARS studies show that natural organic practices significantly build organic matter and increase microbial populations in the soil. These microbes ultimately convert insoluble nutrients into soluble nutrients which then become available to the crop. They also build structure within the soil which retains water and oxygen, both of which are fundamental to growth.

organic crop fertilizerOf all organic fertilizers, perhaps dried manures offer the biggest bang for your buck, because dried manure fertilizers are so abundant. Processed manure, especially processed chicken manure, is the best value due to processed chicken manure containing more primary and secondary nutrients than any other manure. Processed chicken manure is also free of weed seeds and any harmful pathogens. Cold Spring Pellets organic fertilizer has these qualities and a dozen others, including price and availability, and offers real value to conventional and organic users.

Organic Fertilizer For Organically Grown Crops Adds Nutritional Benefits

Organically grown crops contain significantly more minerals and vitamins and significantly less nitrites than conventional crops. A scientific review of forty-one research papers making 1,297 comparisons on organically fertilized vs. conventionally fertilized crops proved organically grown crops contain 42% more magnesium, 29% more manganese, 27% more vitamin C, 26% more calcium, 21% more iron, 14% more phosphorous, 11% more copper, 9% more potassium and 15% fewer nitrates.  Leafy vegetables like spinach, lettuce, cabbage and potatoes show even greater nutritional improvements when grown with organic fertilizer. Another review of 88 research papers showed similar results and significantly greater concentrations of polyphenols and antioxidants in organically produced foods.

These nutritional benefits are being recognized nationwide. According to the Organic Trade Association, organic food and beverage sales have grown from $1 billion in 1990 to $24.8 billion in 2009. In 2009, the organic fruits and vegetables category was up eleven percent over 2008 sales figures. These growth figures indicate consumers are demanding healthier food and organic crop production is filling the need. By definition, organic fruits and vegetables require natural organic fertilizer. For all the reasons mentioned above, there is no better organic fertilizer than Cold Spring Pellets. It is complete with NPK plus calcium and other secondary nutrients as well as trace elements all of which are necessary to healthy crops.  Apples, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cherries, citrus, conifers, cotton, melons, grapes, lettuce, peaches, peanuts, pears, peppers, potatoes, tobacco and tomatoes are all especially responsive to calcium.

Cold Spring Pellets is a “complete” all-purpose organic fertilizer made from "processed" chicken manure that contains:
  • 4%  nitrogen which promotes vegetative growth, color, and stem strength,
  • 3%  phosphorous which promotes root development and flowering abilities,
  • 2%  potassium which promotes disease resistance, temperature tolerance, and fruit quality,
  • 7% calcium which promotes strong cell structure, rapid root establishment, and much more.

Our organic fertilizer also contains other secondary nutrients, trace elements, vitamins, and amino acids as found in all poultry manure;  but does not contain any weed seeds, litter, bedding, or other fillers, nor any harmful pathogens of human concern.  Chick Magic organic fertilizer is safe to use around people and pets.

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