Monday, February 4, 2013

"More kilos with the same amount of energy"

A new concept for tomato growth, FutaGrow, recently achieved a production increase of 20% per m2 compared to the standard light cultivation. This means that the energy efficiency per kilogram has improved substantially. FutaGrow is a sustainable cultivation concept that is being developed at the Demokwekerij Westland in the Netherlands. The project is in its third year.

The tomato plants are growing in suspended, vertically adjustable gutters. The greenhouse hosts two simultaneous crops in different stages of growth, using the available space more efficiently. Both crops vary in height, so that they can absorb sufficient light. As multiple crops are planted in a single year, there is always a young and vital crop going on.

By using vertically adaptable gutters, maximum light utilization is achieved, in turn allowing a year-round harvest. A liquid film is used for propagation instead of the usual substrate. The nutrient solution is administered separately and is directly adjusted to the needs of the growth stage.

The FutaGrow concept was developed by a consortium of companies and research institutes, including: FormFlex, Priva, Metazet, Demokwekerij Westland, Triomaas, Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture, Inno-Agro and Groen Agro Control. The project is made possible by support from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Commission.

Source: Energiek2020

For more information:
Demokwekerij Westland
Zwethlaan 52
2675 LB  Honselersdijk
+31 (0)174-385600

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